Hotel a Torre Vado
In Torre vado stands the CTA Delle Rose in the heart of Salento.
Come relax and enjoy a dream vacation at our hotel.
Our rooms are equipped with all the most modern comforts and our outdoor pool is perfect for the warmer months.

Surrounded by rose gardens and the green countryside of Salento, stands the Complesso Turistico delle Rose. The resort is located on the provincial road that leads from Morciano di Leuca to Torre Vado, a stone’s throw from the beautiful beaches of Pescoluse, known as the Maldives of Salento. Your dream vacation in Salento passes through here.
The three-star hotel consists of 24 rooms, all bright and cozy.
The magical world of nature outside is carried over to the inside as well, where the relaxing and natural colors have been chosen precisely to guarantee you the relaxation of a vacation in the green.

The restaurant, also located within the Rose Complex, is open to both guests of the facility and outsiders.
The combination of genuine ingredients and traditional recipes guarantees lunches and dinners for all lovers of good food and local cuisine.

The riding school is the spearhead of the Delle Rose Tourist Hotel Complex, which houses sand fields, paddocks, horse boxes, plus a bright and welcoming clubhouse where riders can spend their relaxing breaks. Francesco Spano, a Federal Instructor, follows beginners step by step in their first adventures on horseback, and is always available with more experienced riders for any advice or clarification.
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